Clip Description«Thanks again for the custom which I enjoyed a lot. The models were both excellent They captured the spirit of the piece - with convincing playfulness between the two of them as interviewer and candidate, whilst giving strong performances in the three death scenes.
The production quality is good».
Customer’s Review
Annabelle is a serious actress. But in the middle of the pandemic, work is very hard to find. So, she has applied to become a death fetish model with Crime House, a fetish film producer in Russia. This is the story of her audition with CH.
She is being interviewed in a living room by Nata. Nata asks Annabelle what experience she has of acting out death scenes, and Annabelle says she has done some scenes in drama school – but not this type of work before. Nata is confident Annabelle will be fine but explains that first they have to do three auditions in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to a group of CH clients. They will decide on the scenarios and determine if Annabelle is suitable to join the CH team. Annabelle is very enthusiastic and says she is sure it will be fine and that they will have fun together. She even hugs Nata making it clear that she finds Nata attractive.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Annabelle is sitting on the bed whil Nata is looking at her phone. She tells Annabelle that for the first audition, the client wants them to play lesbian lovers in the nude. But Nata has discovered Annabelle has betrayed her with a man. She will be on top of Annabelle pinning her down. Annabelle will plead for forgiveness, but Nata will strangle her with her bare hands. The client wants Annabelle to struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Annabelle smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Nata. Nata responds amorously and undresses Annabelle easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while. Suddenly Nata pins Annabelle’s hands down and accuses Annabelle of betraying her with Ivan. Annabelle protests her innocence, but Nata pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Annabelle screams in pain and begs Nata to stop. She admits she did sleep with Ivan but it meant nothing – she loves Nata.
Nata stops torturing Annabelle briefly and they hug each other affectionately. Annabelle says she will never betray Nata again. Nata agrees but then turns aggressive. She barks at Annabelle that there is only one way she can ensure there are no more betrayals. And with that she begins to strangle Annabelle. Annabelle’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Nata’s grip and unbalance her. But Nata is too strong. Annabelle fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Nata kisses Annabelle on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Annabelle opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately one more time.
Nata goes to her phone and tells Annabelle she has done well in her first scene.
Annabelle comes over and they look at the phone. They are both still nude. Annabelle asks the clients listening whether this time she can play the killer and let Nata be her victim. Nata pushes her away playfully and says she is too strong to be Annabelle’s victim.
The clients obviously like the playfulness between the two of them, because this time they say that Annabelle will play a contract killer who has been hired to murder Nata – with a garotte (maybe a red scarf that is in the room). Nata asks the client if she can fight to get free and the client texts that of course she can try. She puts the phone on a table or shelf by the bed.
Annabelle is confident and picks up the scarf and asks Nata sexily if she wants a bit of fun.
Nata says she doesn’t wish to be tied up and Annabelle strokes her tenderly and says the stocking is not for tieing her up. She eases Nata back on the bed and mounts her, threading the scarf around her throat. Nata asks what she is doing. Suddenly Annabelle gets serious and says someone has paid her to murder Nata. Nata begs for mercy, but Annabelle tightens the scarf and Nata begins to choke.
At first Annabelle is winning and Nata’s struggles are not making any difference. But then she slaps Anna in the belly and slightly winds her, and then unbalances her by jerking her body. Annabelle lets go of the scarf, but it is too late. She is already unbalanced, and Nata now rolls her over and after a bit more wrestling, gets the upper hand. Annabelle tries to fight back, but Nata pins first one hand and then the second above Annabelle’s head.
Annabelle stops struggling and asks what happens now. She thought she was going to win this role play. Nata looks at the phone. The client congratulates her and tells her to smother Annabelle with a pillow. This time it is Annabelle pleading for mercy. But soon, Nata smothers her and although Annabelle again fights with a lot of energy, after a while she accepts the inevitable and slowly dies.
Nata lifts up the pillow and again is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes a little annoyed she didn’t manage to be the killer in this role play.
Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Nata looks at her phone again and sighs. She turns to Annabelle and tells her this time the clients are going to make sure she is successful as the killer. She explains that in this scenario she will play a spy who has stolen secret account codes from a bank on a memory stick she intends to sell to the highest bidder. Annabelle plays an enforcer who has come to get the memory stick back for the bank and has permission to murder Nata when she gets it. Nata will start off pretending to be asleep on the bed so Annabelle can tie one of her wrists to the headboard before Nata even wakes up to ensure she won’t be able to escape.
Nata gets a memory stick and hides it in the pillowcase. Annabelle puts some light clothes on and goes out of camera shot.
Nata pretends to fall asleep on the bed and Annabelle comes in quietly. She ties one end of the scarf to the bed and then loops the other around Nata’s hand. Nata stirs, but Annabelle is on top of her and only one arm is free – which Annabelle quickly pins down.
She tells Nata she wants the memory stick. Nata denies she has it. Annabelle pretends to hit Nata’s face and belly and she pulls her hair back. Nata still will not tell her. Annabelle begins to hand smother Nata, who tries to fight her off with one free hand. But she cannot get the hand off. When Annabelle stops the hand smother, Nata is gasping for breath – but still she denies everything.
Annabelle picks up the pillow, turns it over and begins pillow smothering Nata, who again fights unsuccessfully to push the pillow off her. But this time Annabelle sees the memory stick in the pillowcase. She stops and takes the USB out and puts it on the bedside table next to the phone. She is very happy and knows now she has what she came for.
She looks at Nata beneath her – wondering what to do about her. Nata says now she has the memory stick she can go and just leave her. But she already knows, Annabelle will not let her live. Annabelle strokes Nata’s face gently, as if they are lovers. But Nata knows what is coming and asks her once more to let her go.
Too soon, Annabelle’s hands close round Nata’s throat and she knows it is the end for her. She tries to fight, but with only one hand free it is hopeless. She tries to die as sexily as Annabelle has and is soon in death spasms before closing her eyes and becoming still.
This time Annabelle hugs Nata, unties her hand, and kisses her.
Nata embraces her and they kiss – this time on the lips, maybe even more!
Nata picks up the phone and shows Annabelle. They both smile. And Nata says to Annabelle “Welcome to Crime House,”
[scene fades…].
Clip Duration: 19 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 869.98 MB |
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